Bad House Flip

You wouldn’t be the only one.  At Forge Property Solutions , we’ve seen a lot of house flips lose money — there’s a lot of potential upside to flipping homes… but there’s also a fair amount of risk.  So, we thought we’d stop by and help.  Here are some possibilities to not get stuck with … Continued

Senior Renovations

Or maybe you want to help a parent or grandparent do that? Well, at Forge Property Solutions we’ve been working in the real estate industry in Stockton for a long time. And we’ve seen many seniors renovate their homes to make them more friendly over the long-term.  Sooner is better than later! In case that’s … Continued

Most Important Repairs Before Selling

At Forge Property Solutions , we’ve been working in real estate in Stockton for a long time now. And over that time, we’ve learned quite a bit about which repairs are most important and which ones are least important.  So we thought we’d drop by and give you an idea of how WE would prioritize … Continued

Removing Hard Water Stains

“Hard water” refers to water with high mineral levels — mainly magnesium and calcium. Those minerals are good for overall health, but unfortunately, they can also leave a chalky residue on shower glass and bathroom fixtures.  How do you get rid of it?  Here are some DIY tips! Shower Glass — Create a cocktail of … Continued

Saving on Energy Bill

Well, while nothing is quite as effective as air conditioning or gas-powered heating, there are still a lot of things one can do to lower that energy bill.  Here are some ideas! Programmable Thermostat — It might be a little spendy upfront, but using a programmable thermostat will save you money and help with keeping … Continued